Dead Sea Face Mud Mask with Milk & Honey Extract 1 Sachet
قناع متميز من طين البحر الميت لتنظيف عميق ونتائج سريعه حيث انه يجعل البشرة لامعة وناعمه ومشرقة . كما انه يساعد على التخلص من حب الشباب والكلف
With addition of some very effective essential extracts, like chamomile and others is especially designed for one application .
Each mask works deep to clean, purify and restore the skin’s natural moisture balance, while extracts gives additional results.
Rich, black mineral mud, collected from the Dead Sea. It’s highly concentrated with minerals, scientifically proven to be essential in maintaining healthy skin and even help heeling many of skin problems, such as Eczema, Psoriasis, Acne, Blemishes, Aging and Wrinkles, among other problems.
This Black Mineral Mud works deep to clean, purify and restore the skin’s natural moisture balance, leaving it smooth, radiant and revitalized.
Use: We advise to use it three times weekly only for face and neck (except eyes), Leave it for 20min., than rinse. Face should be washed well after putting the mask, and then smoothing cream is used.